sábado, 20 de janeiro de 2018

Vent - Reliquiae Doloris

Banda(s) / Band(s): Vent
Álbum / Album: Reliquiae Doloris
Ano / Year: 2008
Tipo / Type: Demo
Rótulo / Label: Rotten Vomit Records
Gênero(s) / Genre(s): Black Metal
Tema(s) lírico / Lyrical theme(s): Death, Anti-Christianity, Misanthropy
País / Country: Germany

1. Cosmic Conclusion 09:15
2. Destroy Your Senseless Life 09:24
3. Visita Interiora Terrae Rectificando Invennies Occultum Lapidem 04:58
4. Remains of a Tortured and Devastated Mind 15:04
Total playing time: 38:39

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