sábado, 13 de janeiro de 2018

Domgård - Ödelagt

Banda(s) / Band(s): Domgård
Álbum / Album: Ödelagt
Ano / Year: 2017
Tipo / Type: Full-length
Rótulo / Label: Carnal Records
Gênero(s) / Genre(s): Black Metal
Tema(s) lírico / Lyrical theme(s): Anti-Cosmic, Dark Germanic Heathenism
País / Country: Sweden

1. Niþanvarþa 01:50
2. Svartdjupets lockelse 05:20
3. Töckenhöljt 03:50
4. I Geirröds hall 05:46
5. Aldar røkkr 03:33
6. Kynjagaldr 05:36
7. Ödelagt 06:35
8. Lögr Óðreris - Urblodets trollmakt 05:53
9. Grottkvinnans hemlighet 05:30
10. Sejdmannens förbannelse 07:04
11. Förgånget 16:00
12. Ødhe Vi 05:50
Total playing time: 01:12:47

Download * cloud.mail.ru
Download * yadi.sk


Um comentário:

  1. Nice!

    What is the name of that Russian site for downloading the albums? I am missing the blog depression-and-painn.blogspot.com a while and forgot the link.

