sábado, 27 de junho de 2015

Dying Fullmoon - In Thy Dreams...

Banda(s) / Band(s): Dying Fullmoon
Álbum / Album: In Thy Dreams...
Ano / Year: 1994
Tipo / Type: Demo
Rótulo / Label: Self-released
Gênero(s) / Genre(s): Black Metal
Tema(s) lírico / Lyrical theme(s): Alchemy, Death, Shamanism, Aftermath
País / Country: Germany

01. They Will Never Fall 
02. The Three Funeral Gates 
03. Niflheimr 
04. Never-Ending Winter 
05. Viola Diabolica (Othinn) 
06. The Almighty Triumph 
07. Frozen Darkness 
08. Weltende 
09. Viola Diabolica (Immane Baratrum Abyssi)
Total playing time: 30:30


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