domingo, 26 de janeiro de 2020

Belore - Journey Through Mountains And Valleys

Banda(s) / Band(s): Belore
Álbum / Album: Journey Through Mountains And Valleys
Ano / Year: 2020
Tipo / Type: Full-length
Rótulo / Label: Northern Silence Productions
Gênero(s) / Genre(s): Epic/Atmospheric Black Metal
Tema(s) lírico / Lyrical theme(s): N/A
País / Country: France

1. The Valley of the Giants
2. The Whispering Mountains
3. The Bewitching Horns
4. The Howlings Fields
5. The Initiation Ritual
6. The King's Funeral
7. The Return of the Fallen Heroes
8. The Serenity of Steel
Total playing time: 52:43

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