sábado, 30 de novembro de 2019

Sadism - Uchben Sihil

Banda(s) / Band(s): Sadism
Álbum / Album: Uchben Sihil
Ano / Year: 2019
Tipo / Type: EP
Rótulo / Label: Self-released
Gênero(s) / Genre(s): Black Metal
Tema(s) lírico / Lyrical theme(s): Sex, Drugs, Alcohol, Murder, Rape
País / Country: United States

1. Lying Corpse
2. Ambulate Through the Void
3. Unknown Depths of Chimera
4. Uchben Sihil
5. Ages Before My Existance
6. Eternal Work of Time
7. Sharp Cosmic Clouds
Total playing time: 27:37

Download * cloud.mail.ru
Download * yadi.sk


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