segunda-feira, 5 de agosto de 2019

Corridoré - Corridoré

Banda(s) / Band(s): Corridoré
Álbum / Album: Corridoré
Ano / Year: 2019
Tipo / Type: Full-length
Rótulo / Label: Self-released
Gênero(s) / Genre(s): Atmospheric Blackened Post-Metal
Tema(s) lírico / Lyrical theme(s): N/A
País / Country: United States

1. For the Voyage of Oblivion Awaits You, Pt. 1 10:20
2. For the Voyage of Oblivion Awaits You, Pt. 2 07:43
3. Shifting Skies, On Bloodied Wings 05:39
4. This Swallowing Sea 12:40
Total playing time: 36:22

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